Jumpstart Your Child's Development Through Martial Arts!

Our Little Ninjas Martial Arts (3-5 years) programme is the first step to their physical and mental growth. We focus on mixed martial arts which is a great way to strengthen your child's body balance, hand-eye coordination, and mental focus. This stage is where they hone their motor skills and ability to concentrate and follow steps! 

Sign them up today and boost their path to success! 

A Fun Way to Bond With Your Little Ninja!

Parents love our Little Ninja Martial Arts (3-5 years) programme as it doesn't just enhance their kids' self-discipline but it teaches them how to communicate with and respect others! In addition, our classes teach the importance of listening, being patient, and being kind to one another.

At Midda Martial Arts, we're not just teaching fitness; we're also teaching compassion and treating one another like family!